Valentine’s Day for the Socially Excluded…

January 18th, 2025 (Updated)

With the Pope Benedict XVI resigning, Oscar Pistorius shooting his girlfriend in the head and more, Wonkie suggests how Valentine’s Day might play out this year for the socially excluded. Share what you did on Valentines Day here!

The South African Workers’ Revolution

January 18th, 2025 (Updated)

Labour unrest and strikes with unprecedented violence have swept across South Africa – has the straw finally broken the exploited worker’s back, or is this simply opportunistic action to squeeze big business and the mining industry? Read about what lies ahead for workers in South Africa.

Islamic Anger – What is going on?!

January 18th, 2025 (Updated)

The recent violence against American consulates and embassies in the Middle East once again raises the question of Islamic Anger. Is it simply a lack of sense of humour, a damaged mentality or a tiny extremist minority that is creating this negative association of violence and anger with Islam?

Job Creation Secrets – Photo Caption Challenge!

January 18th, 2025 (Updated)

Socio-economic innovation is a great buzzword but it’s only the little birds that know the secrets of job creation. Enter this Wonkie photo caption challenge and be as creative as you can. You may not get a job but you’d certainly be up for winning a Wonkie CartOOns t-shirt!

Pieter Mulder – Land Reform Cartoon

January 18th, 2025 (Updated)

Pieter Mulder, leader of Freedom Front Plus in South Africa claims that blacks may not be entitled to make land claims based on the fact they were not there first in as much as 40% of the country. As expected, this sparked an uproar as an inaccurate depiction of history. The flaw in Pieter Mulder’s argument however, is much more fundamental.