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7 Good Reasons Zimbabwe Votes for Mugabe

Zimbabwe Elections - Robert Mugabe Cartoon

Barack Obama visits Robert Mugabe prior to 2013 Zimbabwe Elections

Barack Obama’s recent visit to Africa was largely overshadowed by Madiba’s poor health. Little did everyone but Wonkie know, that Obama met with Zimbabwe’s freely elected dictator, Robert Mugabe, prior to Bob’s election campaign launch. It was a secret meeting in a secret place that officially never took place. Learn more about reasons why many in Zimbabwe will still vote for Mugabe.

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Obama vs Romney – US 2012 Election

USA 2012 elections Obama vs Romney cartoon

USA 2012 elections Obama vs Romney

Barack Obama faces Mitt Romney in the final showdown as voters get ready for the 2012 US Elections. Wonkie examines the difference between the positions of Obama and Romney in this classic election cartoon about political campaigning.

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Islamic Anger – What is going on?!

Islamic anger management cartoon

Islamic Anger Management cartoon

The recent violence against American consulates and embassies in the Middle East once again raises the question of Islamic Anger. Is it simply a lack of sense of humour, a damaged mentality or a tiny extremist minority that is creating this negative association of violence and anger with Islam?

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Special Olympics – New Sports for the 3rd World!

Special Olympics cartoon

Special Olympics

Wonkie’s underground liki-weaks monitor, Perry, uncovers that the National Planning Commission has been secretly working on a proposal for a Special Olympics playing to the strengths of the developing nations. Special Olympics sporting events include palm greasing, wait lifting, moral gymnastics and synchronised tendering… read all about it!

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Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – High Tea Cartoon

queen elizabeth diamond jubilee cartoon

queen elizabeth diamond jubilee

Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Diamond Jubilee in 2012 – that’s 60 years on the throne this year. The celebration went off with all the pomp, regality and drizzly London weather one expects from the British and nobody was disappointed. From the star-studded jubilee concert including the likes of Paul McCartney, Cliff Richard and Stevie Wonder to a splendid thanksgiving ceremony at St Paul’s Cathedral, Britons proudly waved their Union Jacks and honoured their queen.

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