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Mamphela’s Millions – Join the Gang, or Not?

Mamphela Ramphele cartoon

Mamphela Ramphele announces her R55 Million net worth and urges Jacob Zuma to be more transparent too

Mamphela Ramphele, leader of the new political party Agang, took a risk in more ways than one by declaring her net worth to be R55 Million. Trust issues from major discrepancies in the figure with those published by Forbes, estrangement from the poor masses, and no equivalent response from Jacob Zuma are possible outcomes.

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ANC Leadership Race – Mangaung 2012 Cartoon

anc leadership race mangaung 2012 cartoon

anc leadership race mangaung 2012

Wonkie looks at the three popular contenders in the ANC leadership race running up to Mangaung 2012: Jacob Zuma, Tokyo Sexwale and Kgalema Motlanthe. Do South Africans have anything to be hopeful about as far as the ANC is concerned?

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Empowerment 3.0: Socio-economic Innovation

job creation south africa cartoon

job creation south africa

Black empowerment in South Africa, despite legal efforts to support it, has been woeful. A handful of black elite – the so-called black diamonds have grabbed for themselves whilst the poor black masses have not been able to improve their lot. This cartoon and article is the first in a series about black economic empowerment and job creation.

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Cheers to SABMiller’s BEE deal

SABMiller BEE deal cartoon

SABMiller BEE deal cartoon

SABMiller’s smartly structured BEE deal shows how it’s done: upliftment of the have-nots and securing SAB growth through customer loyalty and staff retention.

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Trevor Manuel on Black Empowerment

Trevor Manuel BEE empowerment cartoon

Trevor Manuel BEE empowerment

Trevor Manuel announced last week that a rethink of Black Economic Empowerment was required. His sentiments were echoed by ANC treasurer-general Mathews Phosa in a separate statement where he acknowledged that mistakes were made on BEE and in public service. Wonkie hopes that more is done during the ANC’s next term than the “lets address […]

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