Latest corruption in South Africa news

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8 ways Zuma can spin Nkandla!

Madonsela Nkandla Report cartoon

Will Thuli Madonsela's Nkandla report damage Zuma and the ANC?

Thuli Madonsela’s report has raised many eyebrows on South African president Jacob Zuma’s personal conduct. The question is whether her report will really make a dent on the ANC, or Zuma’s image especially in light of the upcoming 2014 national elections.

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Jacob Zuma Name-Dropping – Gupta Style!

Jacob Zuma name-dropping cartoon

Jacob Zuma name-dropping cartoon

Corruption is rife in South Africa. The Gupta report demonstrates that simply dropping Jacob Zuma’s name opens many doors in South Africa – whether you’re a tenderpreneur looking to secure your next windfall, or in need of a military air force base for your wedding party, Jacob Zuma is the name to drop.

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Easter Bunny tips on Managing Violent Crime

Crime in South Africa cartoon

Easter Bunny coaches on how to manage crime in South Africa

With violent crime in the news internationally over the last few months, many South Africans are disgruntled with Jacob Zuma’s flippant comments about crime in South Africa. Wonkie, with the help of the Easter Bunny, presents some innovative ways to manage the pressing crime statistics in South Africa.

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FNB Advert – Does the Truth hurt for ANC?

Controversial FNB advert cartoon

FNB's controversial advert with school children

FNB’s latest advertisement campaign titled “You Can Help” has the ANC, ANCYL and SACP fuming as young children show their awareness of corruption in South Africa and in government. But is the campaign really treasonous, or simply a case of sour grapes that even young kids feel hard done by the ANC and the South African government?

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ANC not Shai to attack Public Protector

Thuli Madonsela cartoon

ANC and Mamiki Shai attack the Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela

MPs and ANC attack South Africa’s Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela accusing her of dodgy practices in running her office and of bias against the ruling ANC party. Whilst evidence and the Protector’s success shows otherwise, will Thuli Madonsela survive the onslaught of an embarrassed ANC?

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