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Easter Bunny tips on Managing Violent Crime

Crime in South Africa cartoon

Easter Bunny coaches on how to manage crime in South Africa

With violent crime in the news internationally over the last few months, many South Africans are disgruntled with Jacob Zuma’s flippant comments about crime in South Africa. Wonkie, with the help of the Easter Bunny, presents some innovative ways to manage the pressing crime statistics in South Africa.

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Julius Malema Corruption Charges

julius malema corruption charges cartoon

julius malema corruption charges

ANCYL’s expelled leader Julius Malema appeared in court this week. His charges of fraud and corruption were dropped however he will still face trial for money laundering. Following his scathing attack on Jacob Zuma in which he called the South African president a corrupt thief, he went on to say he would be encouraging more mine workers to rise up in the struggle for economic freedom.

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Special Olympics – New Sports for the 3rd World!

Special Olympics cartoon

Special Olympics

Wonkie’s underground liki-weaks monitor, Perry, uncovers that the National Planning Commission has been secretly working on a proposal for a Special Olympics playing to the strengths of the developing nations. Special Olympics sporting events include palm greasing, wait lifting, moral gymnastics and synchronised tendering… read all about it!

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Government Accountability: Limpopo Textbook Crisis

angie motshekga government accountability cartoon

angie motshekga government accountability

Government accountability seems non-existent in South Africa – particularly in the wake of the Limpopo textbooks crisis that is unfolding. 7 months into the year and learners are still to receive their textbooks – it’s unlikely that they will anytime soon considering many have been burnt and dumped by the company winning the distribution tender. Who is ultimately accountable in government for this and why are they not being punished?

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Richard Mdluli case – Corruption Cartoon

richard mdluli case cartoon

richard mdluli case

Richard Mdluli, head of police crime intelligence in South Africa, seems to following suit from Jackie Selebi in terms of draining taxpayer funds whilst simultaneously adding no value. Wonkie’s guest author examines the security situation in South Africa and what needs to be done going forward to remedy this situation and prevent similar ones from arising in the future.

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