Blaming the Legacy of Apartheid – Verwoerd Cartoon

legacy of apartheid
President Jacob Zuma recently blamed apartheid architect Verwoed for the non-delivery of textbooks in Limpopo. Wonkie wonders how long the lack of accountability and refusal to accept responsibility from the ANC will continue – the answer lies in this article.
Government Accountability: Limpopo Textbook Crisis

angie motshekga government accountability
Government accountability seems non-existent in South Africa – particularly in the wake of the Limpopo textbooks crisis that is unfolding. 7 months into the year and learners are still to receive their textbooks – it’s unlikely that they will anytime soon considering many have been burnt and dumped by the company winning the distribution tender. Who is ultimately accountable in government for this and why are they not being punished?
Education and illiteracy in South Africa

Education literacy South Africa
A shocking recent assessment shows that the majority of South Africa’s primary school pupils cannot count or read. What does the Department of Education need to do to get things back on track?
The Amazing Matric Pass Rate of South Africa

Education in South Africa
The matric pass rate has increased by 7% in South Africa in 2010 – but does this statistic actually mean anything in real terms. What counts is employability, skills, and more literacy than just enough to scrape by as a bad-spelling beggar at a traffic light.

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