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Media experiences post-US election blues

Post-election cartoon


The media frenzy around the elections came to a peak yesterday as one of the most popular reality TV shows of the year came to a close. For a recap of all the election antics and some nostalgic laughs check out the Wonkie US election cartoons archive.

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Barack Obama wins the US elections

Barack-wins cartoon


Barack Hussein Obama’s victory signals the end of the longest election campaigns in American history. He will be sworn in as USA’s 44th president in January next year – truly a historic moment as Obama will take the lead as America’s first black president. Obama faces a number of local challenges to start off his […]

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Election day strategies – Republicans and Democrats

Election day cartoon

Election day

And finally it’s election day in the US – everything comes to a head after months of entertaining campaigning. At posting time Obama seems to be a little more comfortable than McCain as the Republicans seem to push forward with a “support the underdog” strategy. The battle in the hotly contested swing states of Florida, […]

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Sarah Palin chats to Sarkozy not

Palin chats to Sarkozy cartoon

Palin chats to Sarkozy

Canadian comedian Marc Antoine Audette convinced Alaskan governor and US vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin that he was Nicolas Sarkozy. The 6 minute prank call was aired on CKOI Montreal. I’m sure it tested Palin’s in depth knowledge of foreign affairs!

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John McCain desperate for votes

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Cartoon

Art of Living's Sri Sri Ravi Shankar coaches John McCain

John McCain was endorsed by Seth Meyers on SNL. McCain has some radical last minute election strategies – Wonkie wonders if one of these involves receiving coaching from Art of Living’s Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

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