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ANC Leadership Race – Mangaung 2012 Cartoon

anc leadership race mangaung 2012 cartoon

anc leadership race mangaung 2012

Wonkie looks at the three popular contenders in the ANC leadership race running up to Mangaung 2012: Jacob Zuma, Tokyo Sexwale and Kgalema Motlanthe. Do South Africans have anything to be hopeful about as far as the ANC is concerned?

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Corruption in South Africa

Corruption in South Africa cartoon

Corruption in South Africa

Corruption ranks as the second most prevalent crime in South Africa according to a Victims of Crime survey. With media coverage focusing only on high profile cases which inevitably end up being of no consequence, petty corruption and bribery is a fast growing industry in South Africa.

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Ask NOT what the ANC can do for you…

Free housing South Africa cartoon

Free housing South Africa

Promises of a free everything blow over the crowds during election time but do these promises ever get fulfilled by the government? President Zuma announces that 2011 is a year of job creation and hopes to provide free education for some deserving students.

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Why Julius Malema is important to the ANC

Malema Zille cockroach cartoon

Malema Zille cockroach

Julius Malema is clearly important to ANC but how so? If he were unimportant or a threat to ANC’s credibility, he would certainly not be the focus of so much attention.

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Gender testing and Deputy President bashing

Caster Semenya gender cartoon

Caster Semenya gender cartoon

Caster Semenya was ordered to take a gender verification test following her gold-medal win in the Berlin World Athletics Championship. Julius Malema got his knickers in a twist.

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