Latest matric pass rate news

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Education Department – Secret Strategy Uncovered!

ANC Education Department image

The Whole Truth behind ANC's Education Department Strategy

The South African education department celebrates a 73.9% matric pass rate that means nothing in real terms. Wonkie reverse engineers the education success story and uncovers what is really going on – free educational strategy consultant report included courtesy of McKintinsey & Co.

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Education and illiteracy in South Africa

Education literacy South Africa cartoon

Education literacy South Africa

A shocking recent assessment shows that the majority of South Africa’s primary school pupils cannot count or read. What does the Department of Education need to do to get things back on track?

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The Amazing Matric Pass Rate of South Africa

Education in South Africa cartoon

Education in South Africa

The matric pass rate has increased by 7% in South Africa in 2010 – but does this statistic actually mean anything in real terms. What counts is employability, skills, and more literacy than just enough to scrape by as a bad-spelling beggar at a traffic light.

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