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Sarah Palin Quits as Governor of Alaska – Cartoon

Sarah Palin quits governor

Sarah Palin quits governor

Sarah Palin quit as Alaskan governor after a week of very bad publicity. Wonkie speculates she received a higher calling from the late, great Michael Jackson.

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Paris Hilton only slept with 2 men

Paris Hilton 2 men cartoon

Paris Hilton 2 men

Possibly following suit from South African politics, the name-slinging between Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan appears to have stopped – for now. The name slinging began with Paris calling Lindsay firecrotch. Lindsay promptly retaliated with an insult and also called Paris a coke head. Fortunately, they stopped short of calling each other snakes, pigs and other assorted farm animals. Paris said “I saw her a [click for more…]

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Palin mentors Malema cartoon – part 2

Malema and Palin pt2 cartoon

Malema and Palin pt2

Yesterday, Wonkie suggested that ANC Youth League’s Julius Malema might not be as simple as he is perceived to be. It remains to be seen how much of Sarah Palin’s strategy Mr Malema will adopt going forward. So far Malema is clearly on track with respect to Palin’s counsel. A spokesperson from the new party […]

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Julius Malema adopts Sarah Palin as mentor

Malema and Palin pt1 cartoon

Malema and Palin pt1

I think it’s sad that nobody in South African media is giving Julius Malema the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure his intentions are good and his political strategy is sounder than is evident on the surface. An unverified source in Pretoria, South Africa suggested that Julius Malema may have been taken under Sarah Palin’s […]

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Sarah Palin on Oprah

Sarah Palin on Oprah cartoon

Sarah Palin on Oprah

The grapevine has it that the Republicans are considering Sarah Palin as their presidential candidate for 2012. Hopefully she will have travelled outside the USA at least once by then. According to the Telegraph in the UK she has “repeatedly stated, often on conservative talk radio, that she would be more aggressive in making the […]

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