8 ways Zuma can spin Nkandla!

Will Thuli Madonsela's Nkandla report damage Zuma and the ANC?
Thuli Madonsela’s report has raised many eyebrows on South African president Jacob Zuma’s personal conduct. The question is whether her report will really make a dent on the ANC, or Zuma’s image especially in light of the upcoming 2014 national elections.
Gender testing and Deputy President bashing

Caster Semenya gender cartoon
Caster Semenya was ordered to take a gender verification test following her gold-medal win in the Berlin World Athletics Championship. Julius Malema got his knickers in a twist.
The Golden Scr3w Awards Ceremony

golden screw award
The prestigious annual Golden Scr3w award ceremony was hosted by none other than the angelic Paris Hilton. Every year hopeful despots, leaders and media companies from all over the world gather in some famous location to nostalgically recollect whom they’ve scr3wed over in the last year. Mr Robert Mugabe is in one of those ‘always […]
Zimbabwe end game

Zimbabwe collapse
South African government spokesperson Themba Maseko basically announced last week that that recent changes in Zimbabwe lead them to believe that SA may need to give Mugabe a hand in sorting out his various Zimbabwe crises. According to the Star newspaper on Friday last week: “Maseko said that the South African government was extremely concerned […]
Thabo Mbeki and SADC Zimbabwe Strategy

SADC Zim strategy
Thabo Mbeki and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have been pretty useless at attempting to manage Zimbabwe’s Mugabe crisis, cholera crisis, financial crisis and associated spillage into neighbouring countries. We can only expect they will manage the latest anthrax crisis and looting by Robert Mugabe’s soldiers across Zimbabwe with equally elegant ineffectiveness. President Mbeki, […]

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