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Obama vs Romney – US 2012 Election

USA 2012 elections Obama vs Romney cartoon

USA 2012 elections Obama vs Romney

Barack Obama faces Mitt Romney in the final showdown as voters get ready for the 2012 US Elections. Wonkie examines the difference between the positions of Obama and Romney in this classic election cartoon about political campaigning.

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Barack Obama’s next 1360 days

Obama first 100 days Bush cartoon

Obama first 100 days Bush

Barack Obama made a positive impact in USA and internationally in his first 100 days. A true internationalist, he took pains to start mending relationships with Iran, Cuba, Venezuela while at the same time fighting numeous financial crises on US home soil.

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Obama Inauguration cartoon

Obama inauguration cartoon

Obama inauguration

Juan and Chong made history today as they attended Barack Obama’s swearing in as the 44th president of the United States. Washington was amass with spectators waiting to experience the power of Obamamania in person [more…]

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Paris Hilton only slept with 2 men

Paris Hilton 2 men cartoon

Paris Hilton 2 men

Possibly following suit from South African politics, the name-slinging between Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan appears to have stopped – for now. The name slinging began with Paris calling Lindsay firecrotch. Lindsay promptly retaliated with an insult and also called Paris a coke head. Fortunately, they stopped short of calling each other snakes, pigs and other assorted farm animals. Paris said “I saw her a [click for more…]

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Obama appoints Hillary Clinton cartoon

Hillary SoS cartoon

Hillary SoS

Barack Obama appointed his ‘dear friend’ Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State this week. Obama, the 47 year-old president-elect said of his former competitor for the US top job: “She possesses an extraordinary intelligence and toughness, and a remarkable work ethic… She is an American of tremendous stature who will have my complete confidence.” […]

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