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Day of Reconciliation Concert

Day of Recon cartoon

Day of Recon

In a massive show of solidarity and appreciation of all the challenges facing the modern world, prominent international leaders met today to perform a perfectly choreographed song. Proceeds from record sales will be donated to Mr Robert Mugabe‘s International Save the Children fund. Michael Jackson regrettably could not attend.

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The New Zimbabwe Cartoon

The New Zimbabwe cartoon

The New Zimbabwe

The parallels are amazing – are they not? I imagine this is something that people that did not grow up under the ANC will be able to see more clearly. I have no doubt the hope and respect that Mr Mugabe commanded when he first took the reins of Zimbabwe were equivalent to that experienced […]

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Zimbabwe end game

Zimbabwe collapse cartoon

Zimbabwe collapse

South African government spokesperson Themba Maseko basically announced last week that that recent changes in Zimbabwe lead them to believe that SA may need to give Mugabe a hand in sorting out his various Zimbabwe crises. According to the Star newspaper on Friday last week: “Maseko said that the South African government was extremely concerned […]

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Thabo Mbeki and SADC Zimbabwe Strategy

SADC Zim strategy cartoon

SADC Zim strategy

Thabo Mbeki and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have been pretty useless at attempting to manage Zimbabwe’s Mugabe crisis, cholera crisis, financial crisis and associated spillage into neighbouring countries. We can only expect they will manage the latest anthrax crisis and looting by Robert Mugabe’s soldiers across Zimbabwe with equally elegant ineffectiveness. President Mbeki, […]

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SADC and Zimbabwe Talks – Cholera and Politics

SA Zim talks cartoon

SA Zim talks

Does anyone out there still believe that any of the numerous Zimbabwe crises – economic, health care, political – take your pick, can be resolved by diplomatic means involving Robert Mugabe? If so, you may be just the person I’m looking for… See, I have a sick relative in China that has left me $4,540,000 […]

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