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Animal Olympics Photo Caption Challenge

Animal Olympics photo cartoon

Animal Olympics Photo Caption Contest

As the London 2012 Olympics launches, put yourself in line to win a Wonkie Cartoons T-Shirt. Submit your funniest entry in this month’s Animal Olympics photo caption contest. Go on, give it your best shot and you could walk away with Gold!

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Special Olympics – New Sports for the 3rd World!

Special Olympics cartoon

Special Olympics

Wonkie’s underground liki-weaks monitor, Perry, uncovers that the National Planning Commission has been secretly working on a proposal for a Special Olympics playing to the strengths of the developing nations. Special Olympics sporting events include palm greasing, wait lifting, moral gymnastics and synchronised tendering… read all about it!

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Catch up on sports news, other articles similar to the current Special Olympics – New Sports for the 3rd World! post and many of the latest cartoons appear on this page as new articles are posted on Wonkie frequently with this tag. Visit regularly for more on the best sports cartoons here!