Animal Olympics photo cartoon

Animal Olympics Photo Caption Contest

Animal Olympics Photo Caption Challenge

Following the article on the proposed Special Olympics last week and to celebrate the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics today, Wonkie thought it fitting to challenge its readers to come up with their best caption for the above photo. For context, it was taken at the 2012 Animal Olympics, which is being held in Afghanistan for the first time this year. The event had animal trainers all over the world in bits to do their countries proud.

In the spirit of the Olympics, Wonkie finalists may be subject to extensive drug testing. The use of any “medication” that has been previously tested on animals will result in immediate disqualification.

Public service announcement: Wonkie does not condone the training of animals from birth in China just to secure more medals. Following the recent episode in which a 2 week old giraffe managed to knot its neck during gymnastics training in Szechuan, much media coverage has been given to the plight of animal athletes in China. As a result, the International Animal Olympics Committee has undertaken to conduct a full audit of animal training practices in the country. If you, or anybody you know, knows of any harmful animal training practices being conducted, you are encouraged to report it immediately to your local SPCA.

As always, readers are welcome to submit more than one caption. In fact for this week’s challenge, if you’re feeling funnier than usual, feel free to submit your photo caption along with a witty paragraph or two as part of your entry. Mention of the Olympics in your caption title or paragraph will definitely count in your favour. If you are going to submit more than one entry, please bullet them in a single comment.

The best response to this week’s challenge will win a brand new Wonkie CartOOns t-shirt… Wonkie looks forward to reading your entries!

CLICK HERE to leave your FUNNIEST Animal Olympics CAPTION entry!

In other news, the South African police were falsely rumoured to be launching a fully fledged, high priority enquiry into the Batman killings in Colorado. This raised further eyebrows to the credibility of the new SA Police Commissioner, Mangwashi Phiyega, who is really trying hard to make a success of her new role. Bheki Cele is proving to be a hard act to follow – who would have thought.

South African municipalities also put in a bid to have Audit Failing deemed a sport in the Special Olympics. Trevor Manuel is taking this under serious consideration given that only 5% of municipalities received a clean audit by the Auditor-General for the 2010/2011 financial year.

The Animal Olympics photo caption challenge ends on Sunday, 5th August 2012, after which the best entry will be published online… have fun and enjoy the week ahead!

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If the Olympics has got you all excited about winning stuff, now would be a great time to play UK lottery from South Africa or if you’re based in India, you can do the same right here. If that doesn’t get your adrenaline going, choose the best online casino from Wonkie’s specially updated directory now! For other non-related choices, please visit Wonkie’s suggested websites.

For those readers that are not regular Wonkie subscribers as yet, this would be the perfect time to sign up. You would be giving yourself a chance to win an iPad. This competition is open to all confirmed Wonkie email subscribers and ends on 30 September 2012 – so sign up today, it’s free!

CLICK HERE to leave your FUNNIEST Animal Olympics CAPTION entry!

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  1. ” Hurry boys, let’s leave those other swine far behind in this race! “

  2. a-maize-ingly-corny says

    Hey! Blue guy – hurry up – that purple guy has shot his 95% Bolt

  3. The Parliamentary July. South africa’s Premier race to win millions

  4. See all the little ANC piggies dashing to the trough !

  5. Newspaper headline….”Is eisbein racing really kosher?”

  6. Michelle Summers says

    Pork Sausage 100m Chaos

    Saudi finalist and 80-1 long-shot, Purple Cholesterol wins for the first time, causing havoc with bookmakers internationally at the 2012 Animal Olympics.

    UPDATE: Entry 2 (2 August 2012)

    Olympigs 100m Upset

    In the surprise result of the tournament, Chad le Porc poked his snout ahead of Michael Hams to win gold in the prestigious 100m Pork Sausage final.

  7. Siyabonga says

    Wow the Olympics are harder than the SAPS fun run

  8. “Food parcells and yellow T Shirts for Free!”

  9. We can really ‘pig out’ in this one!

  10. get on with it there tenders at the finish line

  11. Training for the ANCYL leadership race?

  12. Last one home makes the bacon!

  13. First to the trough gets a Cabinet post!

  14. COLLITJIES says

    1. Hurry, hurry they are giving away free pig packs and a quart black label.

    2, Hurry, hurry they are giving free pig packs of KFC!!

  15. The Pink Fairies or Pigs on the Wing by Pink Floyd?

  16. Imagine…if we were from Kenya we’d be winning golds !

  17. Misses Nkosama Zuma, Madam Sisulu and Ms. Tokyo Sexwale rushing to Manguang for the ANC Vote. Watch out Zuma, you are about to be knocked out of your Fillet and Champagne trough!

  18. Move over coming through… that olive branch is mine all mine then for the mud pool , whimp!

  19. farmer brown says

    …….. and here comes the south african government relay team…..

  20. Chariots of Fire – Pigs for hire.

  21. One litttle piggy went to market… one little piggy stayed home…these little piggies went to the London Olympics.

  22. retmednov says

    The South African Affirmative Action & Economic Empowerment Olympics
    1st Tenderpreneur
    2nd Kleptocracy
    3rd Elite capture

    Wikipedia definitions:
    Tenderpreneur describe government officials or politicians who uses their powers and influence to secure government tenders and contracts.
    Kleptocracy, is a form of political and government corruption where the government, (a political elite manipulating the three arms of government [legislature, executive and judiciary]), exists (with the intention of capturing resources that will enrich that elite) to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often without pretense of honest service.

    Elite capture refers to the ability of individuals of superior status – be it economic, political, educational, ethnic, or otherwise – to take advantage of government programs aimed at distributing resources or funds to the general public by using their elite influence to direct such assistance in such a way that it primarily benefits the elite group.

  23. OutofAfrica says

    Those little pigs are too cute to be identified with any comrades in the ANC.

  24. John Abbott says

    I will win by just a nose

  25. a-maize-ingly-corny says

    Purple gets GOLD; Blue gets SILVER; Caster – the guy in the pink – gets BRONZE; and I (the guy in green – the eco-pig) get the BOOBY prize – an apple in the mouth whilst being roasted.

  26. prashant says

    its “OLYMPIGS” the game of spirit!! 4 pig waiting since 4 years !!! lets celebrate!

  27. Gary Concar says

    Looser is pork pie!!!

  28. Orrr-orrr-orrimpigs champ-champ!!

  29. Rat race!!?
    Who said a Piggie does not ha a place in it?

  30. Oi stop hogging Olympia drive.

  31. Hurry lads, we must race for gold at the “olympigs!”.

  32. Winner of this photo caption contest and the funky new Wonkie CartOOns t-shirt is Michelle Summers with her entry:

    Olympigs 100m Upset

    In the surprise result of the tournament, Chad le Porc poked his snout ahead of Michael Hams to win gold in the prestigious 100m Pork Sausage final.

    Close runner-up was Elfie with the entry:

    Last one home makes the bacon!

    Thank you all for taking part 🙂

  33. Hey comrades…last one on the gravy train becomes the official opposition!

  34. THIS IS Marthaaaaaaaaa!!!!

  35. BRAVO… time for the odds to outswing

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