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Jacob Zuma Name-Dropping – Gupta Style!

Jacob Zuma name-dropping cartoon

Jacob Zuma name-dropping cartoon

Corruption is rife in South Africa. The Gupta report demonstrates that simply dropping Jacob Zuma’s name opens many doors in South Africa – whether you’re a tenderpreneur looking to secure your next windfall, or in need of a military air force base for your wedding party, Jacob Zuma is the name to drop.

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Special Olympics – New Sports for the 3rd World!

Special Olympics cartoon

Special Olympics

Wonkie’s underground liki-weaks monitor, Perry, uncovers that the National Planning Commission has been secretly working on a proposal for a Special Olympics playing to the strengths of the developing nations. Special Olympics sporting events include palm greasing, wait lifting, moral gymnastics and synchronised tendering… read all about it!

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Limpopo – Is Zuma finally delivering?

zuma puts foot down cartoon

zuma puts foot down

The South African treasury and central government are finally taking action against under-performance and corruption at provincial government level. Is this the start of a new era of accountability in South Africa, or just a temporary derailment of the national gravy train?

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Corruption in South Africa

Corruption in South Africa cartoon

Corruption in South Africa

Corruption ranks as the second most prevalent crime in South Africa according to a Victims of Crime survey. With media coverage focusing only on high profile cases which inevitably end up being of no consequence, petty corruption and bribery is a fast growing industry in South Africa.

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