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National Planning Commission – Is Trevor Manuel adding value?

National Planning Commission cartoon

National Planning Commission

Trevor Manuel and the National Planning Commission has produced little value after 2 years of existence. The 26-strong team has basically just restated South Africa’s challenges and has yet to come up with a tangible plan to address any of them. Eradicating poverty requires more than just producing paper reports – it requires follow-up action and that is what is lacking here.

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Local Elections – Where is South Africa headed?

Local elections results cartoon

Local elections results

Toilet humour seems inescapable as South Africa heads into the 2011 local municipal elections. Wonkie takes an interesting look at the local political climate and at where South Africa is headed in terms of its leadership.

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South African Local Election Fever CartOOn

Local Election Campaigns cartoon

Local Election Campaigns

Election time is upon South Africa: promises and threats of doom flood the airwaves once more as Zille and Malema compete for the public’s affection. It’s the DA vs ANC once again but the campaign strategies appear quite different from 2009.

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Julius Malema’s Baby Making Strategy

Julius Malema make babies cartoon

Julius Malema make babies

Julius Malema is taking flak for his revolutionary baby making strategy, but is his strategy really that far off? Wonkie tries to make sense of Malema’s comments using a high-powered South African think tank.

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Politics and Religion in South Africa

Church and State cartoon

Church and State

Jacob Zuma’s pre-local election campaign comments have caused an uproar with other political parties and Christian groups in South Africa. Mr Zuma claims that only ANC supporters will be entitled to passage into heaven – followers of other parties will be going straight to hell.

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