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Education Department – Secret Strategy Uncovered!

ANC Education Department image

The Whole Truth behind ANC's Education Department Strategy

The South African education department celebrates a 73.9% matric pass rate that means nothing in real terms. Wonkie reverse engineers the education success story and uncovers what is really going on – free educational strategy consultant report included courtesy of McKintinsey & Co.

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Are Jimmy Manyi’s comments racist?

Jimmy Manyi Black Racists cartoon

Jimmy Manyi Black Racists

Black is becoming the new white in terms of racism in South Africa. Wonkie wonders about all this talk by Jimmy Manyi about the over-supply of coloureds in Western Cape and whether South African is actually progressing toward a truly non-racial non-sexist society.

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Zuma Cabinet Reshuffle: Who SHOULD go?

Zuma cabinet reshuffle cartoon

Zuma cabinet reshuffle

Rumours of major South African cabinet reshuffle denied by the government and propogated by media – the question is who should really just go to make South Africa a better place!

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ANCYL-SACP tension, 2010 matric results and football terrorism

ANCYL SACP tension

ANCYL SACP tension

ANCYL’s Julius Malema and the SACP are in battle once again, 2010 matric results are published, Togo football team is attacked with machine guns on their way to the African Cup of Nations match in Angola

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Higher Education in South Africa

Malema rape comment cartoon

Malema rape comment cartoon

Julius Malema discusses the creation of Malemaversity with higher education Minister Blade Nzimande. Following his moronic statement on how he determines what is rape, South Africans should be concerned.

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