anc leadership race mangaung 2012 cartoon

anc leadership race mangaung 2012

ANC Leadership Race – Mangaung 2012 Cartoon

The aftermath of the Lonmin Marikana Massacre seems to be bringing with it more casualties than expected. Headlines in South Africa have been flooded with hopeful quips about the turning tides for president Jacob Zuma within the ANC. Wonkie thought this would be a good time to examine the ANC leadership race to see if there is anything worth getting excited about in the run-up to Mangaung 2012.

It is popularly assumed that there are only 3 real contenders for the top job within the ANC: the incumbent Zuma, current deputy president Kgalema Motlanthe and Housing Minister Tokyo Sexwale. Every now and again Ramaphosa’s name is tossed into the ring but is soon forgotten. What then and which grouping(s), does each represent? Are there any significant differences between them beyond those of style and charisma?

Kgalema Motlanthe cartoonFirst off, many readers may not know it but Motlanthe has a strong trade union background – in fact, he was an ex-general secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). He is regarded, primarily by the liberal capitalists in both black and white business, as someone who has remained true to the Mbeki vision of a black bourgeoise driving economic growth. This would be done through servicing government and transforming white owned businesses by taking them over from within. He has also sanctioned the purging of civil servants who have acted against corruption – he failed to reinstate Vusi Pikoli, despite overwhelming evidence that he was capable and acting in good faith. Moreover, he has spoken out against nationalisation and in favour of an ‘investor friendly’ environment.

As such, Motlanthe seems amenable to a social contract that primarily serves the interests of big business; he has seldom spoken about the plight of the working poor and the unemployed and has mainly focused on ‘soft’ social issues. Be sure to read the bring me the head of Kgalema Motlanthe cartoon for more on Wonkie’s opinion of Mr Motlanthe.

Tokyo Sexwale CartoonSecond in the ring is Tokyo. Now Mr Sexwale rarely speaks on any policy issues. Or is it that the media does not give his utterances much coverage (perhaps he could learn a thing or two from South Africa’s beloved Juju?) During his tenure as Minister of Human Settlement, he has neither increased the tempo of working class housing nor turned around the poor quality of those RDP houses built – despite many protests in this regard he continues to talk about the problem rather than act on resolving it. In fact, Tokyo now speaks of recruiting the big construction companies for the task – conveniently forgetting that this was Slovo’s plan in the 1990s and one that failed miserably.

Sexwale had shown himself to be very adroit at utilising BBBEE for his own advantage – after all, his B.E.E. conglomerate made him a billionaire. Can he be trusted to energise government and to make a real contribution toward turning South Africa around? Given the evidence to date, the answer is sadly obvious.

Jacob Zuma cartoonFinally, with regard to Jacob Zuma – his tenure, despite setting new parameters for a ‘development state’ – has hardly seen concrete evidence of change. Uemployment has grown and full blown crises in education, health care and gender violence have tarnished his term. The seemingly endless cases of corrupt practice in government continues to undermine the state’s credibility. The Competition Board has made some effort to rein in corruption in the private sector but, in general, companies are still setting the agenda.

Ironically, the police massacre at Marikana – which realistically speaking Zuma could have done little about, seems to be giving more humour to calls for him to reconsider his leadership position within the ANC. Forget about the pathetic track record of service delivery which might have inspired the same response. Clearly a sign that the ANC has its priorities in order.

In conclusion, the Mbeki legacy, made even more pronounced by Zuma is becoming more and more apparent. Political office is primarily about turning positions to personal and ‘interest group’ advantage rather than a chance to serve the people. The rhetoric of ‘comrade’ continues to be declaimed but the reality is one of patronage and dissolution. Sicelo Sicheka’s demise was a gross case in point; but many others have trodden that road – or rather, hurtled down the road of profligacy in their souped up ‘blue light’ brigades.

More than ever, the insights of Frantz Fanon into the reasons for the excesses of the post-colonial elite ring true. As such, there is no discernable difference between the candidates and who ever comes out on top is unlikely to take South Africa forward towards the “better life for all” that somewhat sarcastically remains the ANC slogan.

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Related articles on the ANC leadership, Mangaung 2012, Jacob Zuma and more:

  1. Jacob Zuma news
  2. ANC strategy
  3. Tokyo Sexwale jokes

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  1. I am so suprise for this race. but for me Motlanthe is not yet good for leading this country.Im saying lets give Zuma a second term to continue with his programmes that his goverment have drafted. If you can see, those who supporting Motlanthe for president, is the comrades who want to come and remote him.At the end of the day he will loose focus because he will be told that, if it was not us you could have not been a State President.They want to fill their pockets. Dont forget that the other hand wash another.

  2. COLLITJIES says

    Yes, “A better life for all in government”. No better lives for the citizens who are milked of huge amounts of taxes so government can squander it to the best of their ability.The next person taking over the position of “ring master” will just re-hash what has gone on before only making himself the beneficary and stuff everyone else.

  3. This is the Halfway Split and destruction of the ANC regime and the start of Black on Black Faction War. ZULU against XHOSA and a few Limpopo factions tackling each other. Interesting times ahead.

  4. Get rid of the thieves, Helen Zillie for President!

  5. OutofAfrica says

    ZA is like Humpty Dumpty – just about to fall off the wall.

  6. To OOT, Long gone my china! I would retire to bed with my harem, and live off the billions that I have stolen! Why take this crap day after day?

  7. a-maize-ingly-corny says

    @ TARAVA – the only thing wrong with your “Helen Zillie for President!” is this : how will you get the delegates at Mangaung to vote for a WHITE president ? Has she been Black-Economically-Empowered – and will the Broad-Based Blacks WANT to Economically Empower her ?

  8. Sorry cornless, Thanks for the reminder, they are brainless, gravy train wannabees

  9. a-maize-ingly-corny says

    Should “wannabees” be ‘wannaBBBEEs’ ?

  10. The more resources concentrate on the few the more people will continue to be milked in the name of the betterment on lives. The parties from struggle know one thing if you I can win the masses no matter at what costs I will including killing their fellow friends if need be.

  11. I am glad to see Tarava and Corny back in form. But whatever happened to you know who? As for the future ANC leadership it seems we have a choice between Bill and Ben the flowerpot men or we can keep Humpty Dumpty. Even though I am sure that scotch and his bad grammar and worse language could do better.

  12. a-maize-ingly-corny says

    @ Garth. How good it is to have someone on the same wavelength. How well I remember Flobbalob and Lobbalop and their highly visible strings. One only wonders who is manipulating the somewhat less visible strings these days. No – not only – one wonders, also, who is the little charmer “Wee-eed” between them (Cherchez la femme); and what is she up to?
    As to our poor and unlamented Humpty-Dumpty, not even ALL the King’s horses and ALL the King’s men could put HIM back together again – but then – would they WANT to ???

  13. They could of course forget about the three forgettable candidates and nominate Fatty Arbuckle for the job which would quickly make South Africa forgettable.

  14. a-maize-ingly-corny says

    All this jockeying for position in the lead up to Mangaung reminds me very much of a childhood nursery rhyme.

    The “Marikana Massacre” and the outpouring of sympathy from those who carry the ultimate responsibility bring graveside floral tributes to mind – “Ring-a-ring of roses” – the many (and futile) attempts to dispel the stench of corruption remind one of “A pocketful of posies” – the inept, manipulating their ineptocracy, bringing SA to to a point where the world sees us as a sick society – “Atishoo! Atishoo!”
    “We ALL fall down”
    SA RIP!!!

  15. Thanks amaizingly horny

    The three stooges and a pocket full of pussies, all fall down!

  16. The blame game has started. The cops are blamed, the mine management is blamed, ANC policies are blamed, even Helen Zille is blamed. However none of thes people went on strike, none of these people took muti to protect themselves from bullets, none of them armed themselves to attack anyone. The police are criticised for their leak of experience and training, but the week before some cops were hacked to death. Therefore the only people to blame are the strikers whatever Fatboy says.

  17. Come on Guys. Nobody has asked the obvious, but has anybody checked the arrested and dead guys? How many actually work for Lonmin, and how many are union stooges ie. “rent a crowd” maybe Wonkie can kick some butt here?
    I would love to know!

    Any comments?

  18. It seems like this story has finished, because there are no apologists for the ANC or the way this country is being run, there is no one saying thatgod was or wasn’t part of it. Seemingly we more or less agree.

  19. a-maize-ingly-corny says

    @ Garth Re your question o 28 August – the lack of a response by Mzu to such an obvious invitation to re-join the fray would seem to suggest that he/she/it has fled North of the border to where blatant anti-“white” (especially English-speaking “whites”) cant and rant is not merely tolerated but encouraged – but, then, we cannot ALL be as mad as “Uncle Bob”, now, can we?

    Does the lack of any ANC-supporting comment indicate that the “rank-and-file” (otherwise known as the “grass-roots”) have lost interest in the “struggle” – for, these days, the only “struggle” worth talking about seems to be the struggle to milk the most out of the country whilst still having the power to do so.

    Or – does it indicate a weakening of the ANC’s grip on power?

  20. OutofAfrica says

    If you have not yet, I recommend reading “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” by Ilana Mercer.
    It is very apropos ZA current and future situation.

  21. anc is not owned by indivisuals zuma must step down

  22. The ANC leadership (or lack thereof) is such that no one can put Humpty together again. The whole ANC must step down. Let Helen or Patricia run the country.

  23. OutofAfrica says

    Wishful thinking, Garth. The ANC is there to stay until they self-destruct. Which communist party has ever voluntarily/democratically given up their power? One wonders though what might happen when the ‘faction fighting’ (Malema tribe v Zuma tribe) starts? Mangaung will be very interesting to say the least.

  24. Alpha Omega says

    News update: Surprise of all Suprises, it has been found out since, some of the arrested and dead have nothing to do with the strikers and mine. i.e “rent-a-crowd” to incite was implemented from the start, thus the hush up.
    Because now we have to blame the political unions for encitement.

  25. I think come the end of the year at Mangaung, the monkey that swings the highest and makes the most noise, will be president. That’s African politics.!

  26. It looks as if the greediest most corrupt sugar daddy serial adulterer in the world will get a second term. Never mind that we taxpayers are not allowed to know how much of our hard earned money is being used on the Gaddafi type complex costing millions of rands for this disgusting ugly individual and his haram. There is not one other country on earth except North Korea or Cuba that would accept such theft from its so called head of state. The man is a thieving parasite.

  27. Wonkie, slow down a bit. I don’t have enough time to reply to all these morons That is except for sweet little Africa Dearest. (maybe Mzu if she comes back)


  29. i think what we saw in africa by get rid of this old regime will big mistake so ANC will rule this country as Msholozi’s phrophet up until Jesus come back or overthroughing the regime will be a mistake

  30. Thanks codesa for your brilliant and erudite comment, but what the hell are you talking about. No wonder the ANC will always be in power, if morons like you fail to understand how they have screwed up this country. By the way Jesus is not coming back.


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